2024 update: added last 3 april fools songs: no one knows, howard, thing from another world. replaced lab, hassle, enc and dmoc audio with new 256k CD rips.
these are on hand and ready to ship! limited quantity available while supplies last!
plugs directly into a standard USB port and contains all this in .mp3:
life's a bitch (with fett's vette)
knowing is half the hassle (with skits)
eating's not cheating
dungeon master of ceremonies
mc chris is dead
part six part one, two and three
mc chris goes to hell
marshmellow playground
race wars
mc chris foreverrr
mc chris is dreaming
marshmellow campground
apple bum, lung, tummy and appleye (snobots remix albums)
april fools collection (2008 - 2024)
NYU collection (mc chris and the lee majors)
smodcast music
the skits
pacific rim, the fan awakens and the wolverine
plus: the mc chris cartoon pitch .mov